Image illustrative de The Life & Times of Tim
Image illustrative de The Life & Times of Tim

The Life & Times of Tim

Everybody makes mistakes, but for Tim - a self-conscious young guy living in New York - just getting out of bed in the morning could be the worst decision he makes all day. No matter the situation, life's little challenges always manage to demand the most offensive solutions, which wouldn't be such a problem if he ...

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Terminée Américaine 10 minutes
Comédie, Animation, Comedy HBO, Orange Cinénovo 2006

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Image illustrative de l'épisode 1.06 - Tim Fights an Old Man

Tim Fights an Old Man

Tim gets into fight with an elderly man, after trying to give him his seat on the bus.

Diffusion originale : 12 octobre 2008

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Diffusion française : 12 octobre 2008
Réalisat.eur.rice.s :
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